Building notes, projects, and occasional rants


A quick refresher course about Node topics.

Multiple versions of node

nodenv works reasonably well. Installation is simple with brew install nodenv node-build.

To install new node version, use node install -l to list available versions and node install <version> to install it.o

After installation, nodenv versions will list all the installed versions.

The nodenv local inside your project will set a .node_version file in the current directory that will make sure you always use that version of node while inside this directory. Use nodenv global to set the global default version of node.

To temporary switch to a specific node version, use nodenv shell <version> to enable.

All commands, shell, local and global also allow for an --unset option to undo the action.

If you want to find a specific command installed on one of your node versions, nodenv whence <command> will display the versions that have it, pretty nice.