I so want one, but $299 ??? No freaking way… More posters and the original commercial at the RedLight Runner store.
last update:Apparently the disaster plan of the ASPCA worked reasonably well during the Katrina disaster. At least, I can see the site with my Safari browser, something that FEMA doesn’t seem to feel as important. It seems that in the USA, animals get better treatment than people.
This week we saw some announcements from Apple. Monday, we got the bad news: the Paris Expo keynote was cancelled, so the probability of seeing new hardware is low. It seems that I’ll have to wait a little longer for my Powerbook upgrade. Then Wednesday, you got the iPod nano, the iPhone, and a new iTunes. I’m not going to talk about the iPhone, I couldn’t care less about a iTunes client inside my phone.
The is the mother of all memes. If you read this, you should link to the hilarious job offer from microsoft to esr. Let’s make this the all-time most-linked-in page in Google :). Picked up from so many places, including Rui.
I saw the original Galactica series when I was a teenager on TV. As most kids my age, it was a total hit, and we loved seeing the adventures of Apollo and Starbuck. When I read that the SciFi channel (oh why can’t I pay my cable company to have this freaking channel??) was doing a new version of this series, I was afraid we would be stuck with a Episode I kind-of disaster: an over use of CGI graphics and a plot worth less than nothing.
I started this post at least four times now, and I still don’t know how to write it. I’m just going to point you to this article by Carla Schroder and abstain from making any more comments at this time.
I found this very impressive: With PC assembly time down to less than four minutes, the 30 seconds it can take to apply the ubiquitous security holograms and logos for Microsoft and Intel have become a significant manufacturing bottleneck. Talks are under way to eliminate what Dell production managers grudgingly describe as “other people’s advertising”. Four minutes to assemble a PC? Impressive… (Via Ars.Technica)
Portugal is under the worse forest fire season that I have any recollection of. I think that statistically, 4 years ago we had a worse year, but I'm not sure. This year, even if the burned area is lower, they hit several villages and there was substantial property loss as well. I live in Figureira da Foz, by the ocean, near Coimbra, and we have a big fire right now near some important paper factories.
Portugal is under the worse forest fire season that I have any recollection of. I think that statistically, 4 years ago we had a worse year, but I’m not sure. This year, even if the burned area is lower, they hit several villages and there was substantial property loss as well. I live in Figureira da Foz, by the ocean, near Coimbra, and we have a big fire right now near some important paper factories.
I’ve got a couple of GMail invites. If you want to get an email account or try the Talk thing, get a Jabber client, create an account on a free server, and send me a Jabber message with your email address. My Jabber ID is [email protected]. I’ll send you your invitation. I had though about doing this some weeks ago when I got them, but I forgot. Thank’s to stpeter for the reminder.