perl warnings
You have to learn to ignore the forrest.
There are some perl warnings that hide the real problem. My most hated perl warning is this, the first three lines below:
"my" variable @prob masks earlier declaration in same scope at sbin/some_script line 1640.
"my" variable $count masks earlier declaration in same scope at sbin/some_script line 1641.
"my" variable $t masks earlier declaration in same scope at sbin/some_script line 1642.
syntax error at sbin/some_script line 1504, near "next "
Those lines are there because the parser had to bail out after detecting the error on line 4, and failed to notice the end of scopes.
This could be less of a problem if the warnings and errors where ordered by line number, but they are not. So learn to look at the line numbers first to decide which warning to pay attention to.